un curs super tare?
Da-ne un mail si recomanda-l:
Pe CursuriAZ gasesti
o lunga lista de cursuri gratuite. Evident, cele mai bune
cursuri sunt cele platite, dar informatia acum se gaseste
peste tot si din abundenta. Daca ai destul timp la dispozitie,
sigur vei gasit toata documentatia care te va ajuta sa inveti
cea ce ai nevoie.
Pe internet,
pe siturile straine gasesti numeroase cursuri gratuite.
Dar si la noi sunt cateva situri care ofera asa ceva, ori
tradus, ori importat cu totul, ori ca sampling pentru cursurile
platite. Cele mai bune cursuri gratuite le gasiti la brainbench.
ales daca vrei sa iti cresti valoarea (si dimensiunea) cv-ului,
atunci este ok ca sa faci cat mai multe astfel de cursuri
gratuite. Se aduna :)
gratuit de Excel
este facut de echipa Bluepoint IT si va arata tot
felul de tips and tricks, inclusiv tabelele pivotante,
care sunt extrem de complicate pentru majoritatea
utilizatorilor. Click
aici sa il urmezi cursul gratuit.
gratuit de Photoshop
vreti sa redimensionati fotografii in Photoshop si
sa le salvati pentru web i-know
a realizat un curs pe aceasta tema. Click aici pentru
a porni cursul. Click
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |
gratuit de Powerpoint
Dupa primul curs in limba romana de Excel in format
e-learning i-know.ro
impreuna cu Blue Point IT Solutions va pune la dispozitie
si cursul de Power Point. Click
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |
gratuit (demo) - The Manager as Coach and Counsellor
acestui curs in limba engleza este sa ajute managerii
sa invete sa isi dezvolte angajatii care performeaza.
Cursul include metode de a creste increderea si a
micsora rezistenta.Ultima lectie iti arata cum sa
implementezi stilul de management in viata de zi cu
zi. Click
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |
gratuit (demo) - Business Coaching
is a vital component of any business that aims to
be a winner in the new economy. However, unless coaches
are clear in their own minds exactly what their function
is, and why they are performing a coaching role, they
may do more harm than good. Therefore, it is important
to understand how coaching originated as a business
tool, and the ways it impacted traditional managerial
attitudes and behavior. This course ensures that those
responsible for coaching will know what their roles
are, and thus be better placed to unlock the potential
of individuals and teams, to maximize performance
and effectiveness, and enhance personal satisfaction
in their own work. Click
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |
gratuit (demo) - Communication and Leadership
asked an employee TWICE to complete a project as soon
as possible and still the work isn't completed. You've
delegated a task to another employee only to have
it done incorrectly. You've sent an e-mail asking
for extra help on a project to which you've had several
negative responses. What's going on? While these situations
could be the result of many different influences,
you can eliminate one of the variables by ensuring
that your communication style is positive, clear,
concise, and to the point. Learn how to coordinate
your verbal and nonverbal message to get the best
results and learn how to write in such a way that
you get the highest impact with as few words as possible.
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |
de golf
curs super tare! Daca te-ai intrebat de ce au nevoie
jucatorii de atatea crose, care este scopul lor, care
sunt principiile golfului, acum ai un curs de golf
foarte simplu si placut de urmarit care te pune in
aici sa urmezi cursul gratuit... |