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3 Most Important Maths Concepts for Programmers | Maths in Coding #shorts

3 Most Important Maths Concepts for Programmers | Maths in Coding #shorts

There’s a constant question by programming beginners if they need to strongly know mathematics. While the answer is no, there are certain concepts in math that programmers need to be familiar with. Today’s 1-minute guide brings you the top 3 important math concepts that every programmer must know which will be helpful and applied in software development.

What is the importance of math in programming?

Math matters for computer science because it teaches students how to use abstract language, work with algorithms, self-analyse their computational thinking, and accurately model real-world solutions.

To list down a few reasons as to why math is important in programming,
– Math teaches understanding and communication through abstract language
– Math teaches how to work with algorithms
– It teaches individuals how to analyse their work
– general skills aside, computer science still involves a lot of math.

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