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Percheziție și confiscare: Curs accidental Guvernare și politică #27

Percheziție și confiscare: Curs accidental Guvernare și politică #27

Săptămâna aceasta, Craig vorbește despre percheziții și confiscări ale poliției. Acum, al patrulea amendament spune că aveți dreptul de a fi protejat împotriva „perchezițiilor și confiscării nerezonabile”, dar ce înseamnă mai exact acest lucru? Ei bine, e complicat. Poliția are adesea nevoie de mandate emise cu dovezi ale cauzei probabile, dar acest lucru nu este întotdeauna cazul – cum ar fi atunci când ești oprit pentru o încălcare a mișcării. Vom termina cu limitările acestor protecții și vom discuta despre un grup de oameni care nu sunt protejați în mod egal – studenții.

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11 thoughts on “Percheziție și confiscare: Curs accidental Guvernare și politică #27”

  1. @bryonwatkins1432

    Great video! People ALWAYS forget to include the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. The courts, thought not often, use the Ninth Amendment to cover PRIVACY. When one is being unlawfully searched (occurs often), their PRIVACY is being invaded when we all are born with the EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. Lastly, the Tenth Amendment, per its context, further strengthens that!

  2. @jasonarmstrong7383

    Speeding does not equal probable cause to search. Also, the "Exclusionary Rule" and the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" are two different concepts.

  3. Thank you for sharing this important information. So many people don't know their rights and you are making a difference by educating them.

  4. I loved everything about the video except the little jokes. Not needed and not funny :/

  5. If the warrant says its for searching your house, can the police check an unattached garage?

  6. Most cases of speeding are not crimes. They are punished with a civil citation. There is no chance of going to jail. Police are still allowed to make a stop when they have reasonable suspicion of civil violation.

  7. @thegrandlevel313

    We often think about the bill if rights as it pertains to Police.
    But police didn’t exist when it was written.
    In fact, it was widely believed when the first police forces were formed, their existence was unconstitutional and that it violated posse commitatus

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