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Biologie înainte de Darwin: curs intensiv Istoria științei #19

Biologie înainte de Darwin: curs intensiv Istoria științei #19

Probabil ați auzit de Charles Darwin, dar înainte de a ajunge la el, trebuie să înțelegeți cum diferiți oameni, de-a lungul secolelor al XVII-lea și al XVIII-lea, au încercat să răspundă la aceeași întrebare: „ce este viața?”


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14 thoughts on “Biologie înainte de Darwin: curs intensiv Istoria științei #19”

  1. Now, I understand the origins of the beautiful gardens of the world! This simply descended from the garden of the Empire!. What a way to study plants without exerting much effort to see the plants in its natural. original habitat! Good move for learning to grow!

  2. I was distracted the entire video by wondering "Why is the little robot on the desk looking off to the left? Is there something over there? What is he looking at?"

  3. Thanks for putting all of this info in a simple way. I'm studying evolution and you made it easier for me, although you forgot to say that Cuvier founded the science of Paleontology.

  4. Please never stop educating me. I've discovered a thirst for knowledge and with your help I'm able to gather and learn so much faster than if I were on my own. Thank you.

  5. hank im in grad school, in a history of science course. I don't know science. I'm an arts man. In addition to my own ineptitude, my professor is worse, so you are saving me in my darkest hour. Thank you.

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