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Găuri negre | Crash Course Pods: Universul #5

Găuri negre |  Crash Course Pods: Universul #5

„Marea chiuvetă”

În acest episod, John și Katie iau o pauză de la a vorbi despre cronologia universului pentru a se concentra asupra unui mister al cosmosului nostru: găurile negre.

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14 thoughts on “Găuri negre | Crash Course Pods: Universul #5”

  1. I just watched the youtube short of Hank Green saying "I'm so old" and the first thing I hear is John Green going "God, I'm so old"

  2. @danpavelko8414

    This podcast is so good, i can't wait to listen every time you guys release them.

    Thank you John and Katie!

  3. @larissaheinrich9687

    This isn't showing up in my podcast feed, just as a video on the crash course channel

  4. @chillsahoy2640

    I find it amazingly clever that an astrophysicist basically used Interstellar as an excuse for the studio to do their homework and write a paper afterwards. "I convinced Hollywood to spend so much money on a simulation based on my model. Here's what I found out!"

  5. All that gravity talk has me imagining a John-crepe on the surface of a distant world and I don't like it at all. Awesome episode as always

  6. @pedrostormrage

    7:35 "So over the course of about a billion years, it'll become bright enough to burn off the oceans of the Earth. So that's going to be it for us" So interplanetary travel is (eventually) a must, then (if we don't destroy ourselves first, that is).

  7. Thanks! im obsessed with black holes and listened to this podcast already for 3 times! Id like yall guys to tell more about neuron stars and pulsars (possibly about every other type of a star). Also some theories related to black holes such as white ones and other stuff. Thanks!! waitnig for the next episode

  8. @dustinking2965

    Here's a "well, actually" about not having names for numbers that large: 10^69 is a duovigintillion.

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