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Cum se termină totul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #11

Cum se termină totul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #11

În ultimul nostru episod, dr. Katie Mack și John Green discută cum ar putea arăta soarta finală a universului.

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11 thoughts on “Cum se termină totul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #11”

  1. A great series! I've enjoyed every episode, and while I'm sad to see it go, I'm glad that it has been.

  2. @TheBananaDealer

    Man, listening to this podcast while playing No Man's Sky hits different…

  3. Absolutely fantastic series! In education, art, philosophy, science; a home run. I, too, fall into depressive episodes & find learning about space soothes me & brings me out. AND, Brian, can u do this with a quantum physicist? Say Witten or Slesinger or someone like that? We could in the opposite direction. Or how about consciousness with Anil Seth? No pressure. J keep being u & follow ur wonder. This series nourishes me

  4. If chemistry of Life happend in deep-sea hydrothermal vents almost 3.8 billion years ago then why right now, that chemistry is not making life from scratch like it did billion years ago as all the minerals ,hydrothermal vents, oceans are still present in nature

  5. @chillsahoy2640

    "Everything has its time and everything dies." – The Doctor.

    I don't find the end of the universe scary or sad, but cathartic. It might be scarier if there was a chance that I'd have to live through it. But everything in our lives ends eventually, whether physically or metaphorically. Just as a story needs an ending to provide closure, so does the universe need an ending to wrap up its unimaginably long (but finite) story.

  6. @chillsahoy2640

    Assuming that Wikipedia articles are only ever written by humans, there is at least one article which will never be written in the past tense. "Humans were". Any future in which humans still exist would have the article in the present tense. A future in which we've become extinct would not have an up-to-date article on humans.

  7. A beautiful end to a wonderful podcast. I really enjoyed this spatial journey we’ve been on together. I’ve been introduced to so many new concepts about the universe that my entire perspective of it has grown exponentially, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Thank you John and Katie for taking the time to do this.

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