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Adolescență: curs intensiv de psihologie #20

Adolescență: curs intensiv de psihologie #20

În acest episod din Crash Course Psychology, Hank aruncă o privire asupra acelei perioade atât de supărătoare din viața tuturor: Adolescența! El vorbește despre identitate, individualitate și The Breakfast Club.

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Introducere: The Breakfast Club 00:00
Cele 8 etape ale dezvoltării psihosociale progresive ale lui Erikson 2:05
Adolescența: identitate vs. confuzie de rol 2:51
Tineretul adult: intimitate vs. izolare 3:39
Adultul mijlociu: generativitate vs. stagnare 4:35
Vârsta adultă târzie: Integritate vs. Disperare 5:10
Modificări fizice la vârsta adultă 5:57
Fluid & Crystallized Intelligence 6:50
Demență și boala Alzheimer 8:10
Recenzie și credite 9:25

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8 thoughts on “Adolescență: curs intensiv de psihologie #20”

  1. I came here to describe teenagers' stress, anxiety, and depression. I don't think this is the video for my psychology teacher to see if it's plagiarism.

  2. i feel like this video was less about adolescence and more about everything else that comes after adolescence

  3. Tbh im 16 and i dont really feel like i have any group i belong to. Hobby wise ive done the same stuff I’ve always done like drawing and working out but i dont really have friends who do the same things. I have a lot of friends but i dont consider anyone i know to be close to me. Idk i try but i never really am accepted anywhere, people dont bully me its just im always on my own even if i dont try to be. And i dont consider myself a loner either cause im an extrovert.

  4. @ThisIsMyYouTubeHandleName

    Dear Hank Green,

    Saturday detention is a real thing. I was a recipient of mentioned thing.

  5. @jennajackson17

    psych1000 exam in the morning and this is what i’m finishing my night with to “unwind” and “give myself a break”

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