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Care este diferența dintre artă și design?: Crash Course Art History #14

Care este diferența dintre artă și design?: Crash Course Art History #14

Ce contează ca design? Ce contează ca artă? Și cum a început această dezbatere? În acest episod din Crash Course Art History, vom urmări istoria privilegiării unor materiale și tehnici față de altele. Vom explora modul în care moda de stradă, farfuriile de cină și un candelabru de lebădă estompează granițele care nu au fost niciodată clare de la început.

Introducere: „The Dinner Party” 00:00
O cronologie a dezbaterii 02:03
Artă populară 05:12
The Sappers 06:59
Blending Art & Design 08:04
Recenzie și credite 10:06

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11 thoughts on “Care este diferența dintre artă și design?: Crash Course Art History #14”

  1. I trained as a contemporary jewelry designer in Italy.
    Fine design requires a rigorous thought process aside from function. If you observe, you can really tell the difference between a pleasant piece made merely to serve a purpose, and a piece with a developed thought process behind it, even if you don't know what that thought is.

    The way I see it, design is the point of tension between art and function.

  2. I am loving this series! I'd love to hear your thoughts on Gardens. As a gardener, when the blurred lines of Design and Art were brought up I immediately thought of a garden, or living space. I personally see them as pieces of sculpture that are in constant flux because you aren't the only artist in control; Time and Nature are always adding their masterful brush strokes too.

  3. I studied to be a carpenter and design furniture. I remember our class having a discussion about where to draw the line between art and well designed furniture. We all agreed that the Rietveld chair should be considered art, because with how uncomfortable it is, it's an absolute failure as furniture. So seeing it put in the catagory of things with a practical purpose makes me think whoever put it there never tried sitting on it.

  4. My dad is an artist and also a professor whose subject of instruction is exactly the overlap in the venn diagram. His department’s name translates to “creative cultural industries” and he basically teaches students to look at design and capitalist creations through the lens of art, art history, and creativity.

  5. Interesting architecture didn't get a mention. I've debated it with colleagues for a while. Personally, I've said that art is more of a form of self-expression, while design is created for a client and users, placing architecture generally in the design category unless you're design your own home. That being said, I dislike creating a hierarchy between art and design, as I think both can be meaningful and difficult, and require creative solutions in their own ways.

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