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Ce este botanica? Crash Course Botany #1

Ce este botanica?  Crash Course Botany #1

Plantele te-au înconjurat. Sunt în pasta ta de dinți, lenjeriile de pat și comanda obișnuită de Taco Bell. În acest episod din Crash Course Botany, vom afla ce studiază botaniștii și cum cunoștințele despre plante vă pot ajuta să navigați în viața de zi cu zi. Pe parcurs, vom descoperi puterea omniprezentă, de modelare a civilizației, a plantelor și vom descoperi că au propriile lor moduri de comunicare.

Introducere: The World of Plant Drama 00:00
Ce este botanica? 1:46
Plantele sunt peste tot 3:39
Agricultura 5:32
Alfabetizare botanică 6:58
Disparitate privind conștientizarea plantelor 9:48
Recenzie și credite 12:17

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13 thoughts on “Ce este botanica? Crash Course Botany #1”

  1. The answer to the extra credit question is… the sapodilla tree! Chicle is derived from the juice of the sapodilla tree, which grows in the rainforests of Central America. What’s your favorite plant-based sweet treat? Let us know below!

  2. I knew this part where they send out pheromones for insects that eat them. Apparently there was a study done that shows the fresh cut grass smell, which I love, attracts large predators to attack what is causing them harm. That was interesting because when I mow my lawn, typically, the day after I find wolf or coyote scat in my yard.

  3. @intangiblyeternal

    I cried a few minutes into this video and teared up again a bit later! I absolutely love plants, and I'm so happy that you are doing this series Alexis!!! Your energy is infinite and inspiring, and plants are freaking awesome as are you!!! Peace and love 🙂

  4. @user-hi1wm9tv8c

    Getting Alexis to teach this was a stroke of genius.. Her energy is allowing me to photosynthesise.

  5. @matthewfeola2886

    OMG! I used to watch your foraging videos! I'm so glad you joined Crash Course!

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