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Cosmosul și noi | Crash Course Pods: Universul #9

Cosmosul și noi | Crash Course Pods: Universul #9

În călătoria noastră prin istoria întregului univers, am ajuns în prezent. Înainte de a continua să avansăm în cronologia noastră, John are câteva întrebări pentru Katie pe care le-a reținut.

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8 thoughts on “Cosmosul și noi | Crash Course Pods: Universul #9”

  1. @pedrostormrage

    11:29 "But I think ever assuming that cartoon (model) is the reality gets quite tricky" That reminds me of a George Box quote: "all models are wrong, but some are useful".

    18:40 "That's part of what makes humans happy is understanding stuff" I'm surprised John didn't mention that Kurt Vonnegut quote ("Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand").

    35:54 The device with marbles and pins is called a Galton board, and illustrates how the binomial distribution (the probability of marble falling on each bin) approximates the normal distribution (bell curve) with sufficient sample size (enough marbles). It's an example of "order in apparent chaos".

    37:39 "That leads the way to serious mental difficulties without a benefit" That's only if you don't find the answers (also, that's philosophy for you).

    38:34 "If I found out that there was no free will, that would feel very confining and upsetting. If there was free will, then that would be terrifying" Sure, but there's still value in knowing regardless (since the free will scenario would demand responsibility).

  2. @Danny_6Handford

    Keep up the good work guys! Looking forward to the future!

    There are no bad or dumb questions but there are a lot of silly questions and a lot of questions with answers people do not like or think that there may be better answers. There are also a lot of questions that we do not know the answers to and there may even be questions that no one will think of asking.

    Spending your time and money searching for answers to questions you have is a great way to bring joy, happiness and meaning to your life. You may even want to spend your time and money searching for answers to questions other people have.

    Asking people to pay you to search for answers to questions you have will be more of a challenge. It may be easier to get people to pay you to search for answers to questions they have. Either way, this can also bring joy, happiness and meaning to your life. Maybe more so than spending your own money doing it.

    So searching for answers to questions, whether they are your own or from others brings joy, happiness and meaning to your life, by all means try to get others to pay you to do it but be prepared to have other ways to earn a living.

    I would not only give this advice to scientist or others trying to find answers to questions. I would also give it to anyone who finds, joy and happiness being a musician, artist, actor, author, or to anyone with a creative or inquiring mind. That is: be prepared to have other ways to earn a living.

  3. @KelsieJG__they-them

    As a scientist (although I'm a biologist, not a physicist), this was my favorite episode so far. I didn't learn as much as I did in other episodes, but I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion about meaning, understanding, beauty, science, free will, the joy of refining models and gathering data, and being surprised by unexpected results.

  4. the two biggest passions in life that always follow me no matter how neglectful I am towards them are art and science. I absolutely love pacing on a bridge between the two. This podcast makes me feel that there is no gap, no "two". Only the bridge, and I am already on it. The metaphor crumbles, and instead I have this sense of wonder I cannot really put into words. This is an experience, thank you!

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