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Date și infografice: curs intensiv de navigare a informațiilor digitale #8

Date și infografice: curs intensiv de navigare a informațiilor digitale #8

Astăzi, vom discuta despre modul în care numerele, cum ar fi statisticile și reprezentările vizuale, cum ar fi diagramele și infograficele, pot fi folosite pentru a ne ajuta să înțelegem mai bine lumea sau să înșelăm profund. Datele sunt o formă cu adevărat puternică de dovezi, deoarece pot fi absorbite rapid și ușor, dar nici datele, nici interpretările lor nu sunt neutre, așa că astăzi vom discuta despre cum să gândim critic despre statisticile pe care le întâlnim în viața de zi cu zi.

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12 thoughts on “Date și infografice: curs intensiv de navigare a informațiilor digitale #8”

  1. So the source of your Glasses-Dealer in which he recommended you these glasses wasn't correct but you didn't check… nice tutor

  2. You remind me of Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks from SG-1 back in the day.

    I love your series.. but I've noticed a change in you recently. Hope all is well with you man. take care

  3. I'm glad to see this topic all over the internet, thank you. The problem we have is that big companies and politicians have psychologists working for them. Yes, psychologists working for marketing agencies who are specialist in manipulation. It's quite hard to fight against them, but videos like this can help. I don't know how those people can sleep knowing they are lying

  4. @stephaniehight2771

    I just wanted to thank you for using the Mark Twain quote. I would have been disappointed if you had left it out.

  5. The bottom line is that Serena tried to play the gender card and she not only got fact checked but roundly criticized for being a spoiled tennis brat. She ruined the tournament.

    The most you could argue was that the data was inconclusive not that Greenwald was disproven. But either way the fact remains that men got punished not just women and Serena is a cry bully.

  6. @magicarpiutrwq3377

    This reminds me of one of my favorite statistics.
    Did you know that about 73% of statistics are made up on the spot?

  7. I'm struck by the original concepts in this content. A similar book I read inspired new directions in my life. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

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