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De ce putem exista | Crash Course Pods: Universul #2

De ce putem exista |  Crash Course Pods: Universul #2

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În episodul 2 al călătoriei lor prin istoria universului, dr. Katie Mack și John Green discută despre forțele fundamentale ale naturii, cuptoarele mici pe care le cunoaștem ca ciocnitori de particule și cum putem exista cu toții.

00:00 – Introducere
3:17 – Ciocnitori de particule
5:45 – Protoni
14:00 – Forțele fundamentale
20:33 – Teoria totul
27:12 – Câmpul Higgs
34:46 – Este incredibil că știm chestiile astea

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10 thoughts on “De ce putem exista | Crash Course Pods: Universul #2”

  1. Ok, clever people, give me idea about this – I understand particle physics and how different energies are basically make reaction of same stuff different. But isn't gravity bending of spacetime itself due of mass?

  2. Great video. Can’t help noticing that Dr. Mack stopped mentioning the strong force in the discussion of the early universe. One wishes to know more in this regard. Is there really a grand unified theory or is the strong force still on its own?

  3. @HeavyMetalYeti12

    As these progress I'm very much expecting a time knife reaction from John at something.

  4. I was doing a summer internship at CERN the year the Higgs was discovered! The import beer in the cafeteria was Budweiser.

  5. the music used in these two pods/vods is beautiful in a slightly haunting airy way

  6. @branolukwesa3538

    It's still a big mush of corks and gluons, you can call the mush the "soul" of essense.

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