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Straight Outta Stratford-Upon-Avon – Shakespeare’s Early Days: Crash Course Theatre #14

Straight Outta Stratford-Upon-Avon – Shakespeare’s Early Days: Crash Course Theatre #14

Aceasta este povestea modului în care un tânăr englez pe nume William Shakespeare a luat cu asalt scena teatrului londonez la sfârșitul secolului al XVI-lea și a scris o grămadă de piese și poezii care au avut o rezistență destul de bună. Vom afla despre începuturile lui Shakespeare, despre familia sa și despre cum a intrat în teatru

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9 thoughts on “Straight Outta Stratford-Upon-Avon – Shakespeare’s Early Days: Crash Course Theatre #14”

  1. So you think Shagsper wrote the works published under the name Shakespeare. 
    You state as a fact that at age 7 this Shagsper started attending Stratford grammar school?! Really? Do you have documentation of that? People have been looking for this proof for years, centuries even. (I would be ever so excited to see this evidence.) He “ probably” read Plautus and Seneca, and maybe he left school at 13 or 15 – assuming he even went to school, since there is no documentation about his schooling. He might have worked as a butcher or even for his father, (while continuing to read Plautus, Seneca and maybe even Ovid, as well as pursuing corporal pleasures and becoming a parent at an early age.) After marriage and three children, having worked as maybe a butcher, maybe a glover or maybe a teacher, or maybe, maybe, maybe – he did after all have to support a family – he shows up in London, why or how we don’t, but we can create myths to fit a needed explanation. And his family? Maybe his father took up the financial slack. Lots of maybe’s here. But seriously, I’d love to see the evidence concerning his entrance into school at 6 or 7.
    And shake-scene? Why do you keep mentioning Edward Alleyne – shake-scene?

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