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The Underground Railroad: Crash Course Istoria Neagrilor Americani #15

The Underground Railroad: Crash Course Istoria Neagrilor Americani #15

Evadarea a fost una dintre multele moduri prin care oamenii înrobiți au rezistat captivității lor în sistemul sclaviei americane. Calea ferată subterană nu a fost literalmente o cale ferată. A fost o rețea de oameni, rute și case sigure care i-au ajutat pe oameni să scape din sclavie în sud spre libertate în nord. Astăzi vom vorbi despre originile căii ferate subterane, despre sistemele care i-au ajutat pe oameni să evadeze și despre oamenii care au ajutat pe traseu.

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10 thoughts on “The Underground Railroad: Crash Course Istoria Neagrilor Americani #15”

  1. @puppyfamily-1933

    Thank you for being so transparent in sharing your own views from a child's perspective. I think you are uplifting our ancestors and hopefully our generation would pay attention and have more respect and admiration for our elders instead of viewing them as weak. You shine light into the institution they were trapped into and as we pause and look around we are still in the same social settings that trap our minds. Respect and appreciation for the work and research you do.

  2. @LudicrousPlatypus

    I feel like the freedmen communities in Canada should have been mentioned.

  3. Being Canadian and of Chinese heritage, I know that Canada's history is ugly with some earlier slavery, racism, and cultural genocide but before this video, I did think it was important part of the underground railroad (not from school, just the little I've heard in the media). General estimates we've heard was up to 30,000 people escaped to Canada.

  4. @lukejensen2321

    why didn’t you mention the president of the underground railroad, Levi Coffin

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